The safety of your employees is important, and they need to be protected should an unfortunate incident happen in the workplace. Workers’ compensation insurance assist in paying medical bills and income benefits for your employees that get injured while on the job. This type of insurance isn’t only necessary for your workers, but also provides legal support from any suits brought against you.
There are a few different types of benefits that workers’ compensation provides your employees, including:
Disability income benefits:
provides support to workers for a specified period of time and dollar limits according to state law.
Lifetime medical benefits:
pays for medical treatments of compensable injuries and illnesses.
Funeral expenses:
allows for payment of limited expenses for workers killed in your workplace.
Death benefits:
provides support for surviving dependents of employees killed in your workplace.

There are also a few different types of injuries that workers’ compensation will NOT pay for, including:
Intentional or self-inflicted injuries
Injuries resulting from employee drug use or intoxication
“Acts of God” injuries – unless the job your employee is doing exposes them to a greater than ordinary risk of injury
Injuries occurring while voluntarily participating in off-duty recreational, social, or sports events
Injuries inflicted by someone else for personal reasons unrelated to employment.
We can assist you in setting up your workers’ compensation insurance.