As a business owner, you want to make sure that your company performs to its highest level possible. One of the ways to ensure this is by investing in commercial bond insurance. There are a number of different reasons that you might want to consider commercial bond insurance – including being unable to complete work you have agreed to perform, the possibility of employee theft, or because your client requires it – and GBS can assist you with any type of bond necessary.

There are two main types of bonds to consider, including:
Surety bond insurance:
designed to provide support for you should you be unable to carry out the work you are legally obligated to complete through a signed contract with another entity. The bond insurance will pay the opposing party for any financial losses attributed to this.
Fidelity bond insurance:
specifically created for employers to be covered financially should an employee steal from the company. This could include money or property.
GBS Insurance can help you put together the best options for your company.