Before you head out to burn rubber on the open road, investing in motorcycle insurance will ensure that you and your bike are protected from any mishaps you might encounter. Not only that, but Texas mandates that all riders must possess motorcycle insurance – both property damage liability and bodily injury liability. Additional coverage areas are also available.

GBS Insurance can assist in providing Motorcycle Insurance with Additional coverage areas including:
Accident protection
Replacement cost coverage
Passenger protection
Breakdown protection
Feeling safe and enjoying your ride is what we want for you. Let us help you find the best type of motorcycle coverage for your needs. You may even be eligible for discounts that will make your Texas motorcycle insurance premiums even lower, including:
Credit for safety courses
Insuring more than one rider
Renewals and more!
To receive more information about your new Texas motorcycle insurance policy.
I’m ready to ride!
But I still have a few questions…
What are the laws regarding health insurance in regards to helmet laws?
On June 19, 2009, Governor Rick Perry signed into law Senate Bill 1967. The law became effective September 1, 2009 and repealed the helmet exemption sticker program. The following information pertains to the helmet exemption:
- Former law required a person be covered with a minimum of $10,000 in health insurance for injuries incurred in a motorcycle accident to be eligible for an exemption for the offense of operating or riding a motorcycle without a helmet. This law removes that minimum amount. The law now requires the Texas Department of Insurance to prescribe a standard proof of health insurance for issuance to persons who are at least 21 years of age and covered by an applicable health insurance plan. “Health insurance plan” means an individual, group, blanket or franchise insurance policy, insurance agreement, evidence of coverage, group hospital services contract, health maintenance organization membership, or employee benefit plan that provides health care services or for medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of an accident. Your health insurance plan provider must with add the words “MOTORCYCLE HEALTH” to the insurance card or supply a letter with the same basic information as the card to include the words “MOTORCYCLE HEALTH: Standard Proof of Health Insurance.”
- The law prohibits a peace officer from stopping or detaining a person who is the operator of or a passenger on a motorcycle for the sole purpose of determining whether the person has successfully completed a motorcycle operator training and safety course or is covered by a motorcycle health insurance plan and repeals provisions relating to a DPS-issued sticker required to be displayed on a motorcycle by the motorcycle owner.
Above information provided by Texas Department of Public Safety
Is there just a “blanket” statewide insurance policy that I can choose?
Unfortunately there isn’t, that’s why it’s best to get your insurance through a company like GBS Insurance where we can help determine the perils you may face based on the when and where you operate your motorcycle. We are able to recommend specific coverage options that fit within state requirements to provide you motorcycle insurance that is both suited to your needs and fits within your budget.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in setting up a new motorcycle insurance policy!